Train your Child to Love Reading

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I’m a homeschooling fan because I still believe there are things parents can give children at home that the classrooms or life, in general, cannot give them, though it’s sad that most parents are lost in busy, either on their phones or watching soap operas that they hardly ever have time for the kids which has lots of side effects. I truly hope young mothers would take heed from tips coming up I’ve seen it change lives, besides who doesn’t admire smart kids? But you definitely need to start with them at a very young age. No age is small.

Although the life of a parent is often hectic, you should try to read with your child at least once a day at a regularly scheduled time. But don’t be discouraged if you skip a day or don’t always keep to your schedule. Just read to your child as often as you possibly can. If you have more than one child, try to spend some time reading alone with each child, especially if they’re more than 2 years apart. However, it’s also fine to read to children at different stages and ages at the same time. Taking the time to read with your children on a regular basis sends an important message to them: Reading is worthwhile, and with time they become creative.

Reading to your children can be you reading stories from the Qur’an, prophetic stories, or even moral stories. Studies have shown that reading daily to young children can help them with language acquisition and literacy skills. So learn to read with your kids even before they are four months old, that’s crazy right? I know you’d be wondering how that is of any use, so let me take you through how to go about that.

Reading to Different Age Groups

Before they are 4 months old: Think of reading more as exploring the concept of the book, allowing the baby to be exposed to sounds of language, and let them keep smiling and chewing corners.

From 6 to 12 months: Read to them using pictures, asking them to point to a particular thing. For example, ask them questions like ( where is the yellow flower?) from the book and allow them to point.

From 12 to 18 months:  Encourage the baby with dramatic reading, using different voice tones and facial expressions.

From 1.5  to 3 years: Help the child become a strong and passionate storyteller. Prompt the child to say something about the book, like pointing to something from the book and asking them what is this evaluate the child’s response maybe if you see and asking them questions like (what is this?) When they reply you take your time to evaluate their reply and also expanding their answer by adding more information about it which sorts of opens their mind to see beyond the image and your question.

From 4 to 5 years: Let the child read aloud to you, relate stories or things you read to them with real-life examples they are aware of. Ask them questions about the story While you read.

So, going through this shows you how different age groups have a different level of understanding and different methods of approach, but the good thing is when you start with them from a very early age it pays off.

Benefits of Reading with your Kids

  1. It helps to develop the young child’s brain, the existing links amongst the brain cells are strengthened and new links are formed at this tender age if the child begins learning from an early age.
  2.  For educational reasons: It gives the child early academic success, they learn to love learning and learn to improve concentration and focus.
  3.  Psychologically: It improves the child’s self-confidence, improving their linguistic skills in form of correct grammar, writing him better spelling, and improving their communication skills.


The setting of the reading should be comfortable, making them laugh, and getting them involved in the discussion. Different stories from Islam, the moral field, and so on. If the child interrupts to say something or experience they had encountered, don’t ask them to keep quiet and allow them to speak, listening to them attentively because this may be when your child wants to open to you about a problem they are having. Also make the reading interesting to them by changing the pitch of your voice, your facial expression, and your body language.

Five Ways to Make them Love Reading

1. Read aloud

2. Try visiting the library or somewhere books I kept regularly.

3. Exchange their TV time with Reading time from a very early age.

4. Find a book that interests them: Don’t just give them any book you’re comfortable with and ask them to read it. it’ll bore them, take your time to understand and find books that they are interested in them.

5. Let them catch you reading: Apart from the fact that reading is a path for individual growth and development, you just forget everything and delve into the beauty of the words. When they catch you reading too, adapting becomes much easier for them. Believe me,  if there’s a nice book environment they become so inquisitive about reading books and learning.


So who is ready to start raising smart kids with a thirst for learning? It’s worth it.


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