So, lets do this! Because I strongly believe that, if others can do it then definitely you can do it. And before going further, i want you to know that: This is not a get rich quick scheme. Like seriously, if you think am about to introduce you to something you’d just come in and within one month you begin to make millions. Then am sorry, because it’s not.

There’s nothing like overnight success, putting  Hard-work/effort, money and prayers all together is required. Because man is directly proportional to success, as far as hard-work and prayer is kept constant.


What is internet entrepreneurship?

Can i really tell you that, this means making money online ? because am sure that’s what you want to hear. Yes it’s sort of true, But lets take the professional definition. we would be coining Internet and entrepreneurship together and giving it a short and straight definition.

Internet entrepreneurship is essentially operating your businesses online.

And when you Compare it to having an offline business, its more easier and effective because it doesn’t require huge capital, shop renting, and staff management. So, internet entrepreneurs seem to have an inherent advantage when it comes to business management and start-up costs. The internet is operating 24/7, which means your business is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unlike the offline business where your time isn’t flexible.

Read this article about Becoming an entrepreneur  because this would educate you on the benefits of being an entrepreneur and how to get started.

Starting point:

You need to find a problem you want to solve, like a gap you want to fill, Entrepreneurship is all about finding and identifying peoples greatest problem and presenting a solution to them.

Taking Dry cleaners  for example, they target busy people who do not have time to wash and iron their cloths, and it’s working for them, it would never work for them if they were to target full house wives. So, what am i trying to point?

Many people will tell you to be passionate about what you do, But today am telling you to be passionate about what others are passionate about. Confused? See it this way, Others are passionate about finding solutions to their problem, then you should be passionate about being that solution provider. You really don’t have to invent something new, just look at an already existing idea and think of ways of making it better.

Validating your idea:

It’s not always about having the idea, validating that idea and making it work is what matters. You need to carry out a test before you start, knowing if the gap you want to fill is right.

Be certain that you’re solving a problem, and ask yourself these questions:

  • How large is the market?
  • Who are the competitors?
  • will you be differentiated enough?
  • is there any difference between the market and what you’re bringing?

You can find answers to this, or keywords to your ideas on google, or by signing up for the google keyword planner tool. you just need to think hard and answer all your questions, and if you’re able to say yes to this then you’re good to go.

The online part:

This is a part I’ll not discuss in details, because its a topic on its own, and would be coming up soon. So, I’ll only summarize the concept. Having your own platform pays, and the truth is nothing can ever replace your blog or website, because it puts your message out to the world. But then the website should be professional and user friendly (clean and easy to navigate).

When it comes to social medias do not try to be everywhere, because it’ll require more effort. So, stay focused because things we focus on grows.


To be successful online you don’t need million of followers, aiming to have massive followers only brings you down, because you loosing the main focus.  Paying customers is what you need, someone who is willing to buy your products, even if they are just a hundred of them.

Believing yourself:

It’s not about starting, but continuing and not quitting is important. Making money online is real, but working to make it, and keep moving even if it means you crawling is what matters.

You see when Mark Zuckerberg and his friends created a site that allowed users to create their own profiles, upload photos, and communicate with other users, yes am talking of  Facebook. A platform made out of a dorm room. Mark believed in his ability, and decided to drop out of college to devote himself to Facebook full time, it got to a point where he seemed to be going nowhere, the criticism and challenges he faced was massive, but mark kept moving and pushing things, and am sure I don’t need to tell you where Facebook is today.

Am not telling you to drop out of school, nor am I telling you to compare yourself with him, but am trying to point out the power of believing in yourself, because if you don’t believe in yourself nothing is ever going to work for you. So, find that belief in you, and keep moving even when no one seems to be there for you, because surely you’ll reach your destination.

list of some online businesses:

  • Web design.
  • Graphics design.
  • writing.
  • Editing.
  • online store.
  • Affiliate Marketing.
  • Coaching.
  • Blogging.
  • Podcasting.

and I promise the list goes on, there are just so many. This is a topic that has alot of areas that needs to be covered, and so far this is the little I’ve been able to cover. so seat and think which you want to go for, and if you need any assistance be sure to contact me.


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