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It’s amazing to be back here with a nice fitness article. Who else is excited? Because I really am. First I wish to tell you that you’re worthy of all the happiness in this world, you’re awesome, beautiful and powerful.  In this article, I’ll try helping you explore your body, Support your body and appreciate your body. Sharing with you 5 R’s for nurturing and loving your body, because when it comes to loving and taking care of your body it is a 360 thing. So Let’s do this!

1. Reconnect With Your Body: Have you been so busy and overwhelmed where you don’t like your body? or are you undergoing a rapid body change where you can’t even recognize your body? Having that emotion of taking on peoples burden, and stuffing down your emotions.  You feel you’re pulling your self up from your roots or you’re just so disconnected from your body. You’d know you’re disconnected from your body when you don’t have a strong sense of direction or purpose; you’re just floating. Also, the smallest thing can distract you and it’s difficult for you to get anything done. Well, the sad thing is most of us think and feel that being spiritual, smart and hardworking means denying our body and trying to transcend it. The truth is this only keeps you at a level where you have to keep going back to satisfy basic needs. It’ll only prevent you from consolidating your life and moving ahead. The clouds are beautiful, but sometimes it’s helpful to have your feet on the ground.

But what if I tell you it’s not too late, that you can actually reconnect to your body? And that’s through healing and improvement. First I want you to understand the fact that, your body is not something to be discounted, something to be sacrificed at the altar of unconscious negative beliefs. Talk to your body, learn to listen and respond to what your body is telling you, increase your self-awareness, love your body, commit yourself to recreate and reconnect with your body through healing. Recognize that its feelings are your feelings,

2. Respect:  Increase your physical self-respect, from the food you eat down to your environment. Respect your body and don’t feed your body with things that are not nutritious, give your body that energy and stop masking the pain, eat healing and nourishing food that won’t pollute your body and if you continue eating junks you’d be injecting bad fuel in your body. Respecting and honoring your body is the key to self-love and self-care. That’s because eating well and honoring your body plays an important role in determining how healthy you feel both physically and mentally. Your body is a vehicle for movement in this world, so fill it up with a good fuel. Most of the time we subject ourselves to lifestyle disease, these cases can be healed you can change your health legacy today. Look odd! look unique! and have that glowing and radiating looks. There is no love without respect.

3. Rest: Truth be told, we have so many goals, family commitments, community obligations, office work etc. we are always busy doing one thing or another then at the end we break down because there is a high level of stress with a low level of rest. We just feel we don’t need to rest, we feel we have to be everywhere, but it’s time we understand that life is about cycles everything has a season likewise there’s time for rest and time for action and that action doesn’t show who you are when you don’t rest and relax.

When you get that rest you need, you feel that peaceful moment where you begin to grow and start coming up with new and cool ideas. Allow your body to rest, allow yourself to calm down. How much rest do you have in your life? Not every issue is critical, likewise, it’s not every time every issue needs your immediate attention. It’s delicious to always have time for rest, you’re not a machine that does so much and never gets tired, you need to rest, you need to renew and you need to allow yourself to sleep and rest.

4. Restore: This is what we all need because the world is moving so fast that we don’t even have time to rest. Then issues begin to come up in our body and we begin to face health crisis, and now it has to come to a point where you press a pause to everything and focus on restoring and nurturing your body.  You need restoration and you have to take a stand for that, people only take what you give them and never care if you’re alright, they’ll keep taking and keep expecting you to give them more. So it’s time to shut the door because you need to reconnect to yourself, to get the time and energy to restore, heal and grow.

People may not be happy but you will have to do this. Pull back from all the stress and anything else that overwhelms you and makes you lose focus. Respect yourself and restore! Say NO to opportunities in order to restore, when people try to pull you, you will have to pull back focus on restoring yourself.  Love yourself enough to Restore.

5. Revere: Your body needs to function optimally, some of us feel unmotivated along the line but you have to respect and hold a high regard and esteem of yourself, with Our love for Allah, and Our gratitude to Allah still intact. Allah won’t be happy with us if we don’t value ourselves and don’t respect our body. You are created by Allah the best fashioner who does all things with perfection. And he has commanded us also to love and take care of our body. your body has a right over you!

so ask yourself these questions: Am I ok with these tips? or do I need to put a pause? what commitment do I make to myself to embrace? and to increase my self-love and self-care? Create an affirmation and say it to yourself every day!

When you re-open the conversation with your body, you’ll see that your body has many valuable things to tell you. It tells you things that are buried deep but still operate underground. It points to the origins of your beliefs and feelings. It tells you that it has an instinctual knowing that can help you sense the right way to go. It’ll tell you many other things. If you love this and find it beneficial, show me some love by sharing and commenting. Thank you.



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