How do I know my menstrual period is over? This can be really challenging for most women, and you find them always in a state of confusion and doubt. At Times they continue praying without it really ending or they delay the prayers until they are completely sure and end up missing Prayers. That discharge that comes before or after menstruation is the source of the confusion. The video on this topic below:
Common Questions
Now if a woman sees yellowish discharge or brownish discharge then what is that? What is the ruling concerning that? Is that considered a period? Or is that considered discharge? Should a woman pray? Should she not pray? Is she going to deal with it like Haydh, like Istihadah, or like purity? Basically, these are the questions that come to mind when women experience such discharge. And in this Article & in the video above insha Allah we will be answering these questions. And also find a straightforward way to determine if the period has ended or not. There are various opinions regarding this but I will be sharing with you the most accepted opinion.
The Ultimate Test
Simple and straightforward, You can be able to tell if your menstruation is over when the blood basically stops and you see complete dryness or emission of white discharge. You can test this by simply wiping a piece of cotton or white cloth in the area. When it comes out clean with no trace of blood, brownish or yellowish discharge on it, then your Menstrual period is over. So perform your Ghusl and continue fasting, praying, and other acts of ibadah. But when you see red, yellow, or brown discharge on it, that means your period is not over.
Now, when you are sure you have seen these signs, meaning the dryness or the white discharge, it means you have become pure. So if you see any brownish or yellowish discharge after you have become pure (Tuhr), then it is not regarded as menstruation (but you have to re-do your wudu).
It was narrated by al-Bukhaari In Kitab Al-Haidh, باب الصُّفْرَةِ وَالْكُدْرَةِ فِي غَيْرِ أَيَّامِ الْحَيْضِ The chapter of yellowish discharge not during the menses:
Umm ‘Atiyyah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “كُنَّا لاَ نَعُدُّ الْكُدْرَةَ وَالصُّفْرَةَ شَيْئًا” “We would not count the Brownish discharge and the yellowish discharge as anything”
And in another narration from Abu Dawood:
Umm ‘Atiyyah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “We did not bother about any yellow or brownish discharge after a woman’s period was over.”
In other words. They would not treat it like menstrual blood. They just consider it like normal Viginal discharge. So basically If this colored discharge is outside the time of Haydh then it will be ignored. So for example a woman had a regular period of seven days. She took a bath. She started praying and she took the bath only after she saw clear signs that her Haydh had ended. So she started praying that after two days. She sees this discharge. So what should she do? She would simply ignore that, She doesn’t need to treat it Like Haydh or Istihadah.
So now if you didn’t see any sign that your period has ended, meaning when you used the cotton or white cloth, it did not come out clean then any brownish or yellowish discharge you see is part of your Menstrual-period.
Every Woman is Different
Most women say that they have never seen this white discharge, they don’t even know what it is, Well that’s because the signs are not always the same for every woman, yours may be different.
Menstrual-Period differs from woman to woman, and the signs that one woman’s period has ended may vary from time to time. For most women, the sign that the Menstrual blood has ended is the emission of the white discharge. For some women, the sign is that the bleeding stops. So it varies.
Don’t Rush
No matter what the signs are for you, it is not permissible for you to hasten your fasting or prayer until the clear signs appear. because it is not permissible for you to pray or fast when you are menstruating until you become pure.
The women used to send containers to Umm Al Mu’minoon ‘Aa’ishah in which were the cotton pads with traces of yellow on them.
She would say: “Do not hasten until you see the white discharge.” This was narrated by Al-Bukhaari report in Kitaab al-Hayd,(Baab Iqbalil MaHeeDi wa Idbarihi) باب إِقْبَالِ الْمَحِيضِ وَإِدْبَارِهِ (Book of Haydh, Chapter on the start and end of the menstrual flow).
So Do not rush. Wait for clear signs. Then go ahead with your ghusl, makeup fasts you missed, but Allah has excused us from making up prayers we missed.
- Absolute dryness is a sign you have become pure.
- Qussatul Baydah: Meaning clear white discharge is also a sign you have become pure.
- Now the yellowish & brownish discharge can either be part of Haidh(Mesturation) or purity. It is considered purity when it comes outside the time of Haidh. And it is considered Haidh when it comes within the period of Haidh.
I hope you found this beneficial, May Allah grant us a better understanding of our Deen.