Assalam Alaikum, Thank you for stopping by. This post is about ways we could bring up knowledgeable and pious kids, and I chose to take Maryam Masud as my case study. But hold on! if you don’t know who Maryam Masud is, then you won’t find it inspiring, so you need to read this then come back and go through this.
Learn From Experience
Maryam’s parents are and should be a model for parents. They’ve worked tirelessly just so they see that Maryam succeeds in this Dunya and in the hereafter by providing her education of the Qur’an, Sunnah, and secular one too. And by also motivating and constantly supporting her to the best of their ability.
They represent true role models in Maryam’s life and she is very proud of them. Knowing and following up with Maryam made me want to know how her parents made it because I wanted to learn also, and I was compelled to ask them and I will be sharing with you all what they told me.
They Changed Their Lifestyle
One of the things they said they realized was that in order to apply something to your kids you will need to apply same thing to yourself. Otherwise, the first thing kids ask why you don’t do what you make them do? And I do believe this, because apart from what we teach them, children, always find it easier doing things they see us do as parents.
The truth is you will have to raise yourself before you raise children. You will have to make so many changes to your lives and so may investments, that only Allah will reward you.
- They stopped watching movies for many years like Hollywood/Bollywood with the exception of a couple of beneficial cartoons, Afterall you can’t snatch your child’s entire childhood just to make him pious.
- They also stopped listening to music instead, they listen to beautiful Qur’an recitation by their favorite Shiekh Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy, and sometimes they listen to Islamic Nasheeds.
- At home, they maintained a strictly Islamic Environment. Having Halaqa with their kids at home and with friends.
- They also try their best to maintain a friend circle with like-minded. They said this was the hardest part. And I believe so because the moment you decide to take this path that is when the challenges will begin to hit even from your family members.
Make Du’a for your Kids
1. Maryam’s made sincere Du’a to Allah (SWT) that He may bestow them with a righteous kid. Du’a is the best way to seek Allah’s help. Which as mothers Allah has blessed us whit that sharp tongue of making dua for our children. You might also want to take a moment to learn about Making Du’a for your kids.
2. They thank Allah (SWT) that He gave them Maryam. And also pray that he gives them the ability to take care of her and raise her in the Islamic way. You truly cannot do it alone, so seek for Allah’s help because this is something that you will have to do for a lifetime, So ask Allah to grant you the dedication and resistance to push through.
Make Learning Easy for Them
3. After Maryam was born they always try to play Qur’an recitations. And Alhamdulillah! Allah (SWT) has blessed Maryam with a very good memory. Make it a habit to always play Quran recitation in your home even if your kids are months old. That way you build their memory and Allah (SWT) will bless them with a very good memory.
4. When Maryam started talking and walking, her mother was reciting very small surahs in front of her while doing her cooking and other household works. And playfully Maryam tried to imitate her mother and that’s how she memorized most of Juz ‘Amma at a very tender age. You can also make this a habit, and it helps your kids a lot.
5. When Maryam got a little bigger (~5 years) she started to read and memorize Qur’an every day even though it may be few verses from the Qur’an. Maryam usually memorized 1 to 2 pages a day. When they ride in a car they play the Surah Maryam suppose to memorize on that day. It helps a lot. By the way, until Maryam learned how to read Qur’an she used English Script for memorization.
Put in the Work
6. From an early age, Maryam loved to follow the Qira Style of Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy. And their family loves to listen to Shiekh Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy. It is highly recommended to listen to the Qira style of one Shiekh.
7. Maryam was taught Tajweed and Makharij by her mother. She never attended any Hifdh School and Alhamdulillah, she completed her Hifz at home. Maryam is pursuing Izaza from a local prominent Scholar. Maryam goes to regular Islamic School for regular education. and Alhamdulillah, her performance in all other areas of study are Outstanding. So as a mother even if you think you don’t have the knowledge to put your children through, start your journey for seeking Knowledge, it is never too late.
8. Maryam is taught Tafseer by her father. Maryam’s Parents have taken many Al-Maghrib classes and the lectures by Nouman Ali Khan. Maryam was taught presentation and communication by her father.
9. They always try to take their kids to various Islamic Conventions, Lectures, and Events. Some examples are ICNA Conventions, Story Nights, IAMY, etc. Truth is kids feel very encouraged in these environments and they really like to attend them.
10. They also try to give lots of fun to their kids in parallel. In her break time, Maryam plays games on her tablet for a limited time. They go for a long vacation couple of times a year which their kids enjoy a lot. Give your kids time to play so they won’t feel suffocated with always leaning, not giving them time to play you might be pushing them away from wanting to learn.
Motherhood is not a hobby it is a calling, and it is something Allah gives you the acceptance to do. So do your part and Stop complaining about the husband and in-laws to everyone. Allah Knows. That’s your test and embrace it. Raise yourself before you raise children. Invest in yourself not by means of grooming classes, jewelry, and designer clothing but by learning parenting from the Islamic sources. Learn from the Seerah of the righteous women and how they faced their challenges without anyone except Allah (SWT).
I have learned quite a lot of lessons from Maryam and her parents and I strongly believe it should be a source of motivation for parents and would-be parents to aspire to bring up pious offspring.
May Allah preserve Maryam for the Ummah, bless her parents abundantly, and grant her family a high rank in Jannah. May Allah bless parents making efforts in the lives of their children to be great both in Allah’s eyes and in this world. And May He bless all wombs yearning for the gift of children.