Ayshabintmahmud: Assalam alaikum Sister fauziyyah! It’s a pleasure having you here. And Alhamdulillah, I’m so excited because you’ve always been my role model right from my teenage age till date, I would always listen to you Saturdays and Sundays on radio wishing to be like you someday, and I kept on practicing to be like you at home using voice recorders, and the first day I was employed as a radio presenter I was so perfect on air because I’ve been practicing, then I got accepted and I’m still a radio presenter till date.. My story in the media would be incomplete without mentioning you. So, I’ve known you for years and I know so much about you, but then my audience would like to Know you too. So, please tell us about you, and what you’re passionate about?
Fauziyya Toby: (Smiles) aww now I am flattered, thank you so much Sister Aysha. I am glad I inspired you in my own little way. Mhmm… now to the question, well, I am Fauziyya Toby Abdulkadir (now Allibay). I grew up in Kano state which is in the Northwest of Nigeria. I attented Top Quality Nursery/Primary school, Tukuntawa, Kano (2002), proceeded to Federal Government Girls College, Minjibir (2008) for my secondary school and the Bayero University Kano (New site) (2014)for my tertiary education where I was oppurtuned to study Mass Communications (Bsc). I am the second female child out of four females. Mhmm.. moving on to my passion, right from when i was a kid, i always liked watching NTA news not for the news, but just to see Cyril Stober and the others sit calmly and present the bulletin to us and in the end of the broadcast i will gladly scream to the stations jingle and repeat their motto (You Can’t Beat the Reach)…. meanwhile I always say (You Can’t be Rich)???… so gradually I understood what the practice of journalism was all about and made sure I studied it in the University. And as they say (one can only enjoy doing what he loves best), with my Moms persuasion I applied for an internship in a radio station in Kano while ASUU was on strike in 2010 and started learning how to present on the radio…. ??I can recall my first day on air, one could literally hear the sound of my heart beating through the mic and out to the speakers. So, after the internship, I got called in a bigger radio station who happened to be monitoring me, and they offered me a job and I took it. I was working and schooling at the same time, wasn’t easy but Alhamdulilah it was worth the stress.
A: Masha Allah! So, would you tell us what you currently do for a living? and how do you handle stress?
F: Errm.. I haven’t really worked since I moved to US, reason being that I personally wanted to be there and watch my baby grow for his first few years before I decide to drop him off and start working. (first pikin syndrome)??Well, stress is not an easy thing for me and basically also for everyone but whenever I am stressed out, I usually just take a hot bath (I hate cold water), and sleep off for hours if possible. I really dont fancy going out or hanging out, i feel it adds more stress for me… so indoor and sleeping is my way! Really I haven’t participated in anything here partaining elebrations I have witnessed here, we organized a picnic for the African Muslims in the community and we had fun socializing and networking. I can say thats the one thing i have done.
A: You left us here in Nigeria, and I thought you’d atleast offer me a space in your handbag to follow you. Well, being a wife , mother, and also playing other roles, what is your source of motivation to move on?
F: Lol. Sister Aysha, you wan put me for trouble?? Bag ke?!…. MashaAllah, I left Nigeria for the United States where I currently reside with my husband and my baby boy. It’s refreshing I tell you. Being a mother is one of the greatest thing a woman can experience. Alternating the the roles of a wife and a mother no be beans o…??… but Alhamdullah I am gradually working it well. Mhmm my source of motivation as anyone can guess is my Mother and sisters. Its almost two years since I left Nigeria but it seems I am still there because I talk with all or one of them at least everyday. They are my support system in Nigeria and I thank God for their lives.
A: What is the greatest change you’d love to see in the world today?
F: Honestly sister Aysha, I would love to see the world without a news on TV that talks about chaos is Islamic countries and others. It’s heartbreaking seeing those pictures and not being able to do anything. I want a peaceful world!
A: What advice or words of motivation do you have for other sisters?
F: Wow! I am not much of a motivational person but one thing I would say is if you want something and you know its right, go for it! It might not come easy but it surely will come someday.
F: Jazakumullah khairan for giving me this opportunity dear. May Allah continue to bless and light your way InshaaAllah.
A: Ameen waantum fajazakillah khairan, May Allah bless your family.
F: Ameen.
Alhamdulillah, there you have it, the shortest and most informal interveiw on Get inspired. It was a pleasure having her here, she is an amazing person to be with.
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